In the business of
Saving Lives

About us

Nordic Xtreme AS is a Norwegian company that designs and delivers high-quality protection and evacuation equipment for consumers and professionals.

Building upon decades of experience in the oil & gas industry, we supply escape masks in multiple models for protection against chemicals, gas and other smoke-filled environments, and various types of protection clothing.

Our protection masks are installed in locations as diverse as oil rigs to high-rise buildings, ensuring safe evacuation in the event of fire or accident.
In addition to our existing models, Escape Hood XtremeP3 & Standard NXP2, we are launching our new Smoke Hood NXP4, which offers an exceptional field of vision combined with a long-lasting filter, providing 30 minutes of clean air in a fire emergency.


Our values


Through our actions and our products, we shall instil a high level of confidence in our customers, suppliers, and business partners.

Long-term approach

In our internal and external relation- ships, we shall be considered a long-term partner. Our products shall be developed and marketed with a long-term profile, where we want to see customers and suppliers staying with us year after year.


By continuously developing our products and working on innovative new solutions, we will bring products to the market that are of the highest class. Collaborations with universities and suppliers at the forefront of textile materials and treatments are a matter of course for us.